Senin, 09 April 2018


Verb as complement is a verbs that are always followed by the infinitive complement.
Yang merupakan suatu kata atau kelompok kata yang digunakan untuk melengkapi makna dari subject, verb, dan object. Pada umumnya rumusnya sebagai berikut :
Subject + Verbs + Compelement/Object ­+ M
Jika verb menjadi complement atau objek dalam sebuah kalimat, maka verbs tersebut bisa berbentuk infinitive dengan menggunakan (to + verb) atau berbenttuk gerund dengan menggunakan (verb + ing). Penentuan dalam bentuk  tersebut tergantung oleh verb yang menjadi predicate dalam kalimat itu.
1. Verbs + Gerund
            Gerund merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi. Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, Gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing. Gerund sebagai pelengkap tidak dapat dijadikan subject dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice).
Gerund terletak setelah to be: is/am/are,
Contoh :
·         My hobby is swiming
·         Her hobby is reading a newspaper
·         My favorite sport is playing badminton
·         What she wants to do now is crying over her mother to release her burden
·         He considered traveling to Europe for the summer, but he doesn’t have enough funds

2.    Verb + to  Inivinitive
 Infinitives adalah bentuk dasar dari verbs. Dalam bahasa inggris, penulisan infinitives biasanya diawali dengan “to”. Misalnya: to read, to walk, to give, dan seterusnya.
Meskipun pada umumnya infinitive diawali dengan “to”, akan tetapi ada beberapa infinitive tanpa “to”, biasanya disebut dengan “bare infinitive”.
a. Subject + Verb + to infinitive
·         want to study English.
·         hope to see you again.
·         Residents are not allowed to bring pets in my apartment.
b. Subject + verb + object (nouns/ pronouns) + to infinitive

·         My boss expects me to finish the work as soon as possible.
·         The teacher reminded the students to do their homework.
·         The doctor advised him to stop smoking.

3.      Verb + Preposition + Gerund
Ada dua kemungkinan jika Gerund digunakan sebagai Object, yakni Object of Preposition (Object Kata Depan) dan Object of Verb (Object Kata Kerja). Beberapa preposisi (preposition) lazim yang sering diikuti oleh Gerund adalah: aboutinforofwithoutfromby, dan to. Untuk preposisi “to”, boleh diikuti Gerund jika fungsinya memang sebagai presposisi, bukan bentuk dari infinitive.
Contoh :
·         I’m used to sleeping with the window open.
·         I’m accustomed to sleeping with the window open.
·         look forward to going home next month.

1. Affirmative Agreement
Ketika menunjukkan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu melakukan sesuatu lalu menambahkan bahwa orang lain melakukan hal yang sama, gunakan kata “jadi” atau “terlalu”. Untuk menghindari pengulangan kata-kata yang tidak perlu dari pernyataan afirmatif, gunakan kata sambung “dan”, diikuti dengan pernyataan sederhana.
Contoh :
Affirmative statement (be) + and + [ S + verb (be) + too
 I am happy and you are too.

Affirmative statement (be) + and + [ so + verb (be) + S ]
I am happy and so are you.

Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ S + auxiliary only + too ]
Sammy should do his homework and Bella should too.

Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ so + auxiliary only + S ]
Sammy should do his homework and so does Bella.

Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ S + do, does ,or did + too ]
Tifanny plays guitar every day and Fina does too.

Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ so + do, does, or did + S ]
Yunita sung “Gee” and so did Putri.

Contoh tambahan :
1. Rose likes to fly, and her brother does too.
2. They will leave at noon, and I will too.
3. He has an early appointment, and so do I.
4. She has already written her composition, and so have her friends.
5. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine.
6. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbor.
7. We like to swim in the pool, and they do too.
8. Our Spanish teacher loves to travel, and so do we.
9. He has lived in Mexico for five years, and you have too.
10. I must write them a letter, and she must too.

2. Negative Agreement
Penggunaan kata “Either” (entah) dan "Neither" (tidak) ini berfungsi dalam pernyataan sederhana seperti "begitu" dan "terlalu" dalam kalimat afirmatif. Namun, baik dan tidak digunakan untuk menunjukkan kesepakatan negatif. Aturan yang sama untuk organisasi pelengkap, be and do, does, or does apply.
Negative statement + and + [ S + negative auxiliary or be + either]
Negative statement + and + [ neither + positive auxiliary or be + S ]

Contoh :
I didn’t see Mary this morning. Edward didn’t see Mary this morning
I didn’t see Mary this morning and Nicholas didn’t either.
I didn’t see Mary this morning and neither did Nicholas.

Contoh Tambahan :
1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
2. We don’t plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t either.
4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and neither did Tim.
5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neither could the Angels.
6. Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t either.
7. I’m not interested in reading that book, and neither is she.
8. They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t either.
9. I can’t stand listening to that music, and she can’t either.
10. Michael doesn’t speak English, and his family doesn’t either.
11. That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and neither are her supervisors.
12. We can’t study in the library, and they can’t either.
13. I haven’t worked there long, and neither have you.
14. You didn’t pay the rent, and she didn’t either.
15. They didn’t want anything to drink, and neither did we.
16. John shouldn’t run so fast, and neither should you.
17. The students won’t accept the dean’s decision, and the faculty won’t either.
18. Your class hasn’t begun yet, and neither has mine.
19. She couldn’t attend the lecture, and her sister couldn’t either.
20. He didn’t know the answer, and neither did I.

Cliffs, Test of English as a Foreign Language Preparation Guide.1991.

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